Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve & I just wanted to take a moment this morning to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas from our home to yours!  I hope 'Santa' is good to you this year. 

We will have a white Christmas here in the Mountain State (with a predicted 2-4" of new fallen snow by morn) and, for many, that's a Christmas wish come true.  Having grown up in SoCal I prefer a Christmas in the mid 70's with lots of sunshine ;)

 Gals at the annual Christmas cookie swap gals @ The Blankenship Home, Dec. 17th, 2010

 The stockings were hung by the 'chimney' with care!

 My angel-grandgirlies are growing up so quickly. They were both part of the 'Little Angel Choir' in our church play this year -- 'Angels on Assignment'

Emmy Rae with her teddy @ this year's Christmas program at her school.  She's in Kindergarten (sniff, sniff) -- how that happened so fast is a mystery to her Nana!

I can only imagine that next week, being the last week of  2010, will be one of deep reflection for the majority of us ladies -- we tend to do that don't we? I pray your reminscing brings back wonderful memories & few regrets.  The Lord has certainly been good to my family this year (& in all the year's past!). Praying for you & your families now & in the coming year.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours at this blessed time of year! Your friendship has been one of my greatest gifts.

  2. Hope you had a merry Christmas and have a fantastic New Year!


I heart comments! I'm so glad you came to visit!