I'm late ...
I'm late ...
For a very important date!
Happy Mother's Day! :)
My weekend was busy and I didn't have a minute to spare; thus the reason I'm a few days late with my wishes. I most certainly don't have the market cornered on Mother's Day maniacality but preparations for an out-of-town guest (my MIL came for the weekend), grocery shopping, prep for Saturday's cookout, a trip to the emergency room with my daddy (he's going to be fine) and lots of folks in & out all weekend made the Dial Domain a happening place and, admittedly, that's the way this momma likes it! ;)
Knowing I could nibble on "Mike & Ike" on the way home made my trip to the store bearable! LOL |
Daisies on the hill +
If everyone in the world loved me like these two do, perfection would be the only word to describe my life! |
two giggling grandgirlies,
two mason jars &
two hair bows for decoration =
lovely Mother's Day flowers for Nana!
(Daisies are my favorite flower & these grandgirls pick them for me at EVERY opportunity)
The new girl ...
Vivian Hope (described by the hospital Nursery nurse as 'intense') was
relaxing for a (rare) moment (after a diaper change) in the crib at Nana's ...
Excuse me but ...
It seemed like a great photo op (I was wrong!) so I grabbed the IPhone and propped her up a bit for the perfect pose ...
"I was relaxing! I don't want my picture taken!"
she was having none of it (as evidenced by the photo I did manage to take!) and would not accept my apology, no matter how I tried ...
even when her momma stepped in to plead my case!
The good news is
She did forgive me (eventually) but we are all
in complete agreement:
The nurse called this one 'cause she is most definitely
(in the most 'Vivilicious' way possible :)
My day could have only been made better if my sailor boy & his family could have been here but of course, that was not to be ...
I did receive an e-mail from him which made my momma's heart very happy!
Well, I hear the gentle sounds of the saw outside.
The hubs is working on my garden beds & I must go snap a few pics (he's sooo gonna love that, in fact his reaction may be similar to Vivi's ;) so I can share my gardening journey with all of you (I know you're all waiting with bated breath! ;)
Have a great day!