Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ten on Ten : June 2012

Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month.
Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments.

I've always enjoyed looking at everyone's Ten on Ten pics &
I've wanted to participate for a while but this is my first time.
I'm thrilled I actually remembered today was the tenth!
I hope your day was filled with love & laughter,
spent in the company of those you love.


  1. Love the tens, my friend...what a wonderfully clever idea!

  2. Dear Kimberly,
    Thank you so much for the sweet and thoughtful note about my sisters passing.
    I love your 10 photo's this is such a great idea!
    Have a sweet day,

  3. Great idea! What cute kiddos! Thanks for the blog comment!


I heart comments! I'm so glad you came to visit!