Monday, December 31, 2012

"Nana, I miss Kylie" ....

Anna: ".... I wish she could come to your house and play with us".

Me:  "I do too honey."

Anna:  "Can you call her mom or dad and ask them to bring her to 'Follow' Creek so she can play with us?" (Her older sister, Emily, called Fall Creek "Follow" Creek when she was a toddler. I suppose she heard follow when we said fall but it was just too precious to correct so we didn't. For safety's sake, we eventually corrected her just in case she ever really needed to tell someone where Nana lived. They both know it's Fall Creek now but still refer to it as "Follow" Creek. It makes me smile)

Me: "Baby, Uncle Josh isn't home and Aunt Gina can't bring her here. She's far away".

Anna: "I know but she better come here before she moves farther". (Outta the mouth of babes.)

Although Kylie (along with her daddy & mom) moved away to Great Lakes, IL a month before Anna Elisabeth was even born, she misses her cousin. From Great Lakes, IL (for 7-months) the Navy moved them to San Diego, CA (for a year) and from there to Mayport, FL (where they've been for 4-years). Kylie was only 16 months old herself when her family moved to Illinois. 

Em and Anna won't realize how much time was spent away from their cousin until they are all, a bit older. Here at Nana's house, and in their home as well, pics are everywhere of Miss Kylie and her parents. Conversations include her on a regular basis and it feels (to them) like they know their cousin very well even though they've shared very little time together in the physical sense. She's not here physically but she's always, always in our hearts and that's a big deal. 

New Year's Eve always finds me sentimental (I can only imagine I'm not alone in this ladies. Am I right?) I reflect on the past year. It's memories. It's circumstances. I compare it to our present state of being (this is not always a good idea) and then I think of the actual day.

What were we doing New Year's Eve 2011?

Last year both my sons along with their wives and daughters were here with us, in the home they both grew up in on "Follow" Creek. There was lots of food and lots of giggles from the grandgirlies. It was a good night. One that I've thought of several times in 2012. One of the times that a momma keeps in her heart and draws from when that Sailor and his family feel even farther away then they actually are. 

This evening, as we prepare for the new year (and by prepare I mean eat out at the local Mexican restaurant and stop by the store to grab a head of cabbage) I can't get my Sailor son and his family out of my mind (not that I've tried ;). April 2013 will find him back home with his wife and daughter before he's transferred to Texas which, as Anna predicted, is indeed farther away. The difference being is that he'll be on shore duty for three years. That makes his momma very happy.

2012 will go down in the history as a very different year for The Dials here on Follow Creek but that's okay. We're a tough lot with faith in a great God. Everything and everyone will be okay. I know that.

Me & my precious Anna Elisabeth, Dec. 2012
Of course, Miss Vivi was still in-utero this time last year and didn't make her appearance until April 2012. Her momma named her "Vivian" which means "alive, animated, lively" and she has certainly lived up to her name. I look forward to seeing what next year holds for "Vivilicious" -aka "Squishy" in certain circles ;) 

Happy New Year to you and yours my bloggy friends.  I pray choice blessings overtake you in 2013!

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