Today is my oldest son’s 31st birthday.
Thirty-one. Wow. That’s a lot.
Every year as each of my son’s birthdays draw near
I find myself looking back with fond remembrances.
I’m certain this is a common practice among mothers every where
Although it’s not something we always voice.
Whether you’re a mom to 1 or (what is it now?) 19
Each pregnancy, labor and delivery is as unique as each child.
We keep those quiet thoughts close inside our hearts
And they, like our children, are treasures.
I love this scripture.
I think it’s beautiful …
But Mary kept all these things & pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19
This is never more true than with your firstborn,
For it’s your firstborn who made you “Mom”.
Their new beginning is your new beginning.
Until this moment, you never really knew
How much you could love. You are both rookies in a sense.
They’ve never had a Mom and you’ve never been one.
And while the same is true for subsequent children
It’s no longer true for you. You are no longer a rookie.
You are now armed with a wealth of knowledge,
A seasoned veteran. Lessons learned, born of love.
Each new addition will, no doubt, benefit from your experience.
No practice needed. “I’ve got this”…
I’ve lovingly referred to Joshua as my ‘practice child’
And with that, let me say this …
“Practice makes perfect”.
Happy birthday Joshua!
Your momma loves you

With all the pushes and pulls of life, I truly believe that being a mother is the most important role for a matter how she ascends to that role. God has blessed you, my friend. Happy birthday to Joshua and to YOU!