Saturday, September 25, 2010

Autumn, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

It's Fall y'all!  YAY!  Today is the first official weekend of Autumn 2010 and I'm very excited.  I have visions of pansies & mums, pumpkins and scarecrows, straw bales ... oh goodness, all manner of things Autumn!  I'm hoping that, in spite of all the heat we've had here in the Mountain State, the leaves will still get a chance to 'show off' a bit and not simply fall off in exhaustion!  Nothing (in my humble opinion) in all the land is as breathtaking as these hills in all their autumn glory.  This is the season when WV is aptly named 'Almost Heaven' because let me tell you ... The Almighty is surely showing off when he paints Appalachia with lovely hues of reds & orange ... His way of saying "Look what you have to look forward to for all eternity ... hang on ... this is only a taste of what beauty I have in store for My children" .... gives me goosebumps just thinking about it! 

                                       Emmy Rae & her class enjoying an ice cream social!

                                                       Em & her teacher Miss Libby

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Struggles ...

For some reason, and I'm not entirely sure why (but not totally in the dark either) I'm struggling today.  Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not on the verge of backsliding ... just feeling a bit like the heavens are made of brass and, of course, I know that's not true.  I can look back on my history with the Lord and know that He's certainly aware of everything going on in my life.  Wasn't it just last week I was proclaiming how blessed I am?  Yep, that was me ... I remember it (although vaguely at this moment).  I love His Word (I should spend much more time in it!). I'm so grateful for the times I've highlighted, underlined and made notes in my Bible that remind me of His faithfulness.  I'm encouraged by so much in the Word of God.  The passage in Joshua Chapter 4 when God instructs Joshua and he then relays the instruction to the Children of Israel to ... "Pass over before the ark of the Lord your God into the midst of Jordan, and take you up every man of you a stone upon his shoulder, according unto the number of tribes of the children of Israel: that this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers, in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones?".... In other words, when trouble comes your way again, when you feel like He's not listening, you can go back to this time (those stones) and it will remind you that He is mindful of your needs and, more importantly, it will cause you to remember that He WILL deliver you.  I am reminded today to remember the times of deliverance, times, in the not so distant past, when I was certain there was none.  So today I'm holding onto the Word and recollections of His faithfulness, in His timing, in His way ... I'll hold onto the things He's told me and not let the enemy convince me I've never heard from God (the Word tells me he's a liar, right? Right!).  "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord ....."  The Lord will fight for you and ye shall hold your peace ...." (Exodus 14:13,14) ... Lord, I know you told me everything would be all right and I'm trusting you in spite of how I'm feeling right now.  I will not look at the situation, the circumstance.  I will only look to You.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hard to say "Good Bye" but I am blessed ...

My oldest son & his family left to go back home to Florida this morning.  He hadn't been here in 2 1/2 years so his week long visit was all too short and seemed to fly by.  As I watched him drive away, his family in tow, I was heartbroken ... I did manage to hold back the tears until after he left, knowing that a teary-eyed mama would only make him sad. I know he would have liked to stay longer too but duty calls --- he has to be back on base on Monday and is scheduled to be deployed very soon.   I came back into the house only to realize that today is September 11th -- the 9th anniversary of the day our country was attacked -- the day that forever changed us -- Americans. 

I remember all too well exactly where I was and what I was doing the morning those planes flew into the Twin Towers.  I remember the fear that gripped my heart when the additional attack on the Pentagon and the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania occurred.  That night was the first night, as an adult, that I went to bed afraid ... fearful of what the morning would bring.  Would there be more attacks in the night?  It was especially quiet because all planes had been grounded, remember? If it was quiet here in rural WV, I can only imagine how eerily quiet it must have been in major Metropolitan areas in this country!  The images of the burning towers, the dust, people screaming, people dying still come to my mind so vividly when I sit and think of that day.

So I'll continue to trust God to keep Joshua -- to get him & his family safely home, to encamp angels 'round about his ship in port & on deployment, to keep his wife & daughter safe & sound in his absence -- to bring him back home to Fall Creek ~~ always!  My goodbye this morning hurt my heart (of course, his daddy felt it too!) but my son is alive and well with a lovely wife, a precious daughter and a thriving career that he enjoys.  I've spent the rest of the day thinking of & praying for those who lost a loved one on September 11, 2001 because they are left with only memories of those they loved as dearly.  I was able to smooch my son's face, hug his neck and tell him "Your momma loves you Joshua". I am a blessed woman.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hmmm, what to say?

You know, it's funny when I had the thought to start this blog it never occurred to me that I might have difficulty putting my thoughts into words; well, I was wrong.  The problem may be that I have too many thoughts! ;-)   One thing does come to mind that I would like to share.  I was sitting at my dining table a couple of weeks ago, making a "Things To Do" list & listening to Kari Jobe in the background ("You Are For Me" - oh that song speaks to me!).  Grocery shopping was on that list of "Things To Do" and that is my most unfavorite thing -- of course this comes as no surprise to any one who knows me.  I had made a conscious decision a year or two ago, to quit complaning about having to go to the grocery store and be grateful that I could go.  I must admit that the decision to take on an attitude of gratitude in regard to my most unfavorite homemaker chore has made all the difference. (Don't get me wrong. I have, on occasion, had to remind myself of my resolve to be grateful ;). It was during this quiet time, that I began to thank the Lord that He is so mindful of my needs, for His faithfulness.  So thankful that what's important to me is also important to Him.  My heart became full and as I felt His presence, so sweet, He spoke to me that He would like what's important to Him to be important to me as well.  That thought had never entered my mind before.  Isn't that just like God, to speak to us in such a gentle way? A gracious reminder that while I have needs (that He has promised to meet, in His way, in His timing) there are others out there who have needs to be met too (and who may not be aware of His love for them); that He is also mindful of their needs, wants & desires.  Since that day, I've been much more aware of others; I 'look' at people a little differently -- hopefully with His eyes.  I need to be aware of the hurting, the lost, depressed, oppressed and whether it's on a one-on-one basis or through my church, food pantry, etc., I need to be about My Father's business.  Regardless of what our gift or ministry is, we have all been called to LOVE!  He's a good God!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday, Monday ...

It's a gorgeous morning here in the Mountain State.  As I sit here with my morning coffee looking out the living room window, puppy at my feet, I'm reminded of how great God is, how blessed I am.  My oldest son is home for the first time in 2 1/2 years.  I really haven't got to spend much one on one time with him.  Other family members & friends are excited to see him too you know! That's okay because I feel peaceful that he's within these walls, on the property, in the County, the State ... I know any mother understands that.  He has to leave on Saturday so his visit will be short.  He will take home his wife and precious daughter (a 4-year bundle of preciousness!) only to embark on a six-month deployment.  He'll be gone when his baby dons her Halloween costume (no doubt she'll be a princess!), when we give thanks for our blessings on the fourth Thursday in November & when we celebrate the birth of Christ in December ... I trust the Lord to keep him and all the men & women on his ship (& their families too in their absence).  It makes this momma's heart a bit sad but I am very proud of him.  So you can color me sentimental this goregous fall-like morning but right this moment, my son is home, safe & soundly asleep in the home he grew up in.  I am a blessed woman!