Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Heart My Cousins!

I've heard it said that our cousins are our
first friends and I think that's true. 

Ellis cousins: Kelly Rae, Gregory & me, probably circa 1970
We were always close when we were little.

I was blessed to have wonderful cousins
on both sides of my family and lots of them!

Kelly Rae, me & Gregory again, Summer 2010
We still love each other!

I'm sure we had our share of childhood
squabbles but I only remember loving them all.

Frye Cousins: Susie, me, Diana, Junior & my brother Ray
December 2006

Today I'm thankful for my cousins ...
I love you all!
(The pictures posted don't come close to representing
everyone I'd like to include ... I've got a lot of cousins! :)

Kelly Rae, me & Lorena Gayle, Summer 2009
My cousin Jack & his youngest son Tanner.
(Sadly, Jack passed away in January 2009)
My cousin Diana, with sweet Miss Addy (her granddaughter)
 and her daughter, Jenny, December 2010

On the right, my cousin Terrie (we call her 'ToTo')
& her daughter Stasha Lynne

Me & my cousins Trinka & Dawn on 'Sea Boots' my uncle (their daddy's) boat,
in Long Beach, CA, circa 1964. Trinka & I were 3, Dawn was 9.

Trinka Leigh & I, July 1976, age 15, as
bridesmaid in Dawn's wedding
She & I were very close growing up -- we were only
six-weeks apart (yes, I was the oldest ;)

1 comment:

  1. Those are awesome photos! Growing up, my cousins were like sisters to me. BTW, loving the new heart theme. So pretty!


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